How are baubles made?

Welcome to a mini report on the production of educational baubles. These glass wonders are handmade from start to finish. They come out of the hands of Polish professionals with many years of experience in this, unfortunately, increasingly rare, occupation.

Christmas is a special holiday, which can not do without a traditional Christmas tree – so traditional decorations fit best here. The baubles are glass, the kind that used to hang in the homes of our parents and grandparents. Hand decorated and painted, which gives them charm and character. They carry with them stories of centuries of Christianity, in which our identity is rooted.

Blower department

A blowing room is a hall where gas burners heat glass until it becomes malleable. Experienced blowers use special molds to prepare baubles, made of thin glass. Working with such a delicate material requires great skill, experience and feeling. It is also physically exhausting, and not everyone can handle it.

Silvering department

The next step is to “bathe” the baubles in silver nitrate. This allows them to lose their transparency and gain luster. Once this new surface dries, the baubles can move on to the next step.

Decoration department

Using pre-designed templates, designs are applied to the baubles. Decorative elements, such as glittering glitters, are also placed on the hand-painted baubles. This is work that requires concentration and care, thanks to which the attributes of the saints appear on the baubles. It is thanks to them that the baubles gain their final form and can become part of the story that will accompany you during Christmas.

Browse collections

How can I order a set of
educational baubles?

Check how to order this unique collection of educational Christmas baubles now and together with your child discover how pleasant and enjoyable it is to learn about Salvation through stories.

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